Are you and your partner considering getting married, living together, or combining finances in some way? There are many things to consider and discuss before moving forward into a situation with shared finances. Here are several helpful tips to ensure these conversations, and ultimately your combined financial journey, go smoothly. You will need to know how to handle finances as a couple!

Navigating Finances as a Couple
Why should you discuss finances with your partner?
Financial compatibility can make or break a relationship. Arguments over money can often escalate and become harsher than discussions about other topics. If you avoid talking about finances with your partner or ignore any red flags you see about your partner’s financial situation, it can lead to big problems down the road. Research shows that financial conflicts are often listed as a leading cause of divorce. The ability to talk honestly and often about money will help you be on the same page as your partner.
What are some red flags?
A red flag can be any part of your partner’s financial situation that makes you uncomfortable. Debt, low credit, student loans, a lack of planning for retirement, and spending habits are all areas that could be a red flag for you. As nerve-wracking as it might be, it is better to address these things early in a relationship instead of waiting until you are married or sharing accounts.
Starting the conversation about Finances as a Couple.
Ask About
- Hopes and dreams
- Shared aspirations
- Savings plans
- Utilizing a financial advisor
- Debt
- Loans
- Spending habits
- Retirement goals
- Judgment
- Negative words or phrases
- Criticisms
- Start by discussing positive things like your shared hopes and dreams. Getting on the same page early on might help you stay open once difficult topics arise.
- Next, address the more serious areas such as debt and retirement. While being unpleasant at first, discussing these things help create a united front for tackling the problems.
- Avoid being judgmental or negative about what your partner shares in a financial conversation. Remember to not only address your partner’s issues but offer your money mistakes or things you’ve learned as well. It is best to keep an open, positive mindset to have a genuinely positive conversation.
- Make a plan. The result of these conversations should be decisions on how to move forward in achieving your goals. Utilizing a financial advisor can be a great way to learn and accomplish more than you thought possible.
At Crescent Wealth Partners, we will work with you and your partner to review your finances, develop investment opportunities, and provide solutions to help you reach your financial goals.
Call us today for an appointment at 941-923-3663 or contact our team to schedule a complimentary review.